ctags + taglist
1) Install ctags$ sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
2)Download and install taglist
$ unzip taglist_45.zip
#it will generate plugin and doc
$ mv plugin/ ~/.vim
$ mv doc/ ~/.vim
3)turn on/off the taglist in vim
$ sudo vim /etc/vim/vimrc
Add the following line:
map <f9> :Tlist<CR>
4)check the target directory and create the tags
$ ctags -R *.c *.h
$ find 'pwd' -type f -name "*.[ch]" -o -name "*.cc" -o -name "*.[sS]" | sed -e 's/^/"/' -e 's/$/"/' | xargs /usr/bin/ctags -a
5)Open the vim and press F9
#The window will divide by two part, use the Ctrl-W-W to switch the window
#The left window: Jump to the correspond function or definition
#The right window:
Ctrl+]:Jump to function implement position, the cursor should be the function name's front
Ctrl+t:return to the original position
Call Graph
CCTree: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2368